Collection: BiosaHerb™ Animals

Our products for animals are called BiosaHerb™ Supplemental Feed Starter Culture and BiosaHerb Maximumhealth , which are composed of organic herbs that are lactic acid fermented with our special blend of lactic acid bacteria adapted to the digestion of animals.

BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health for horses is a blend of organic herbs that are fermented/lactic acid fermented with our unique blend of lactic acid bacteria.

The horse needs a well-functioning large intestine to be able to absorb and utilize the nutrients in the feed and to maintain a good and stable immune system. A number of known problems such as colic, stomach ulcers, loose/hard stomach, decreased appetite, low energy, etc. can be prevented by giving the horse Maximum Health daily.

BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health

BiosaHerb™ Environment Instructions for Use

BiosaHerb™ Environment Activation

Air ionization in stables with BiosaHerb Environment

BiosaHerb Information. Dairy and Beef Cattle

Restructuring of grasslands

Development description about BiosaHerb The work of microorganisms in the dairy farm "Vibholm" near Ulfborg.