BiosaHerb Information. Dairy and Beef Cattle

Experience from Dairy Cattle and Beef Cattle herds that have used BiosaHerb Microorganisms for several years.

When you start working with microorganisms, a development process is started on the farm that slowly builds health in the barn and improved yields in the field. Using BiosaHerb Microorganisms is an investment that develops, and improves yields in the field and barn in a further development process that builds a Regenerative Agriculture.


In an organic dairy herd with 450 dairy cows, the milk yield increased from 7,200 kg of milk to 10,000 kg of milk, with the same feeding. Each cow received 160 ml of Biosa Microorganisms in the feed mixture.

Diseases in the stable were at the beginning, Clostridium Botulinum (treated by veterinarian Jørn Erri, Ribe), paratuberculosis, salmonella, coccidiosis and ringworm, all of these defects disappeared in the first year.

The barn's ring canal is an important part of the process. Cow manure contains many essential amino acids that must not rot, but can, through microbial fermentation with microorganisms, positively change soil structure and crop yields.

It starts with better digestion and feed utilization in the animals.

The manure from the animals is now inoculated with microorganisms that start the composting of manure and slurry so that no nutrients are lost or negatively affect the soil's microlife and earthworms, the subsequent plant cultivation and the soil's microlife are initiated in a regenerative process.

When the process has started in the animals' digestive system, a foam layer forms on the manure channels, which captures ammonia vapors and the barn becomes odorless.

Salmonella, which is rampant in many herds, can be eliminated by mist spraying 3 liters of BiosaHerb per 1000 m2 of barn 2-3 times a week. The machine factory "Kyndestoft" has developed a mist sprayer that fits the barn's mini-loader tractor or similar motorized implement.

The explanation for salmonella is that if you reduce the coli bacteria in the barn, salmonella cannot thrive.

Insect and fly problems are solved in the same process, the explanation is that feed residues contain protein and starch, when BiosaHerb Microorganisms containing lactic acids and yeasts are sprayed in the barn, a low concentration of alcohol is formed, which means that flies and insects get a "Happy Death".

The farm's 5000 m3 slurry tank is kept moving with a

LJM injector aerator that starts 4 x 10 minutes a day to keep the slurry moving, forming a thick foam layer on the container that must not be broken by the stirring, the foam layer prevents the loss of nutrients that become "food for the gods" for the field's plants and micro-life.

In stables with coccidiosis in calves, 50 ml per day is given in milk or feed.

On pastures with Coccidiosis affected animals are sprayed twice a month with BiosaHerb Environment to compost the coccidia eggs that hatch in a periodic rhythm of 21 days.

BiosaHerb Microorganisms were approved for application to Section 3 areas in the fall of 2023.