BiosaHerb™ Environment Instructions for Use

“BiosaHerb™ Environmentally Activated” works on many levels in an ongoing process. First through the livestock's intestinal system, then in the manure, solid fertilizer and compost, and finally to benefit the micro-life in the soil and thus strengthen the plants' root system, deeper root system and less drought-sensitive. Proliferation of “Good Bacteria” in the soil leads to more porous soil that better absorbs heavy rain washes.

In plant breeding, 70-100 litres of BiosaHerb™ Environment Microorganisms propagated / Hectare are used per time, distributed with a field sprayer, 2 or more times.

In cold rainy times, extra application is suggested around 14 days after crop emergence (germination).

However, first application when the soil temperature is >7 degrees, and before seed application, typically in March.

The next time the crop is harvested, the late application promotes soil turnover of plant residues.

For Meat and Dairy Cattle, 100 – 200 ml per large cattle daily is suggested. Give in drinking water
or feed.

Mixing BiosaHerb™ Environment into finished feed is easiest and best done using a dosing pump from either Grundfos or Daltek in Egtved. Their equipment can dose from 1 litre / ton - 4 litres / ton without it getting stuck in the feed chain. 1-2 liters / ton of finished feed is the normal dose. If there are signs of illness, increase the dose for a few days, and then reduce it again. BiosaHerb™ Environment activated makes the animals utilize the proteins better, which is why you should keep an eye on whether a reduction in the protein norm becomes necessary. (Oily skin, etc.). Wet feed: Here, 1-2 litres of BiosaHerb™ Environment are added / ton of dry feed (and not per ton of dry feed + water)

Deep litter and bedding cows are given 1-2 litres of BiosaHerb™ Environment per m3 of manure and bedding. 22 large cattle produce approximately 1 m3 of manure daily.

Hay Slet: Before shredding for pressing, spray 30 -60 litres of BiosaHerb™ Environment + 100 litres of water / Hectare . When the grass is spread on the field. Balers with dosing equipment are sprayed in the baler.

Ensiling grass and corn uses 1-2 litres of BiosaHerb™ Environment per ton of fresh matter.

Mist spraying in cow sheds.
3 litres of BiosaHerb™ Environment Microorganisms per 1000 m2 of barn 2-3 times a week.

The machine factory "Kyndestoft" has developed a mist atomiser that fits the barn's mini-reader, tractor or similar motorised tool that can be used in a cow barn.

Alternatively, there could be a fixed mist atomisation system in the cowshed.

Composting: 1 litre BiosaHerb™ Environment Microorganisms propagated per m³ of organic material

Manure: 1 litre of BiosaHerb™ Environment Microorganisms propagated per 1000 liters of manure.

Newly arrived piglets are offered the propagated microorganisms ( BiosaHerb™ Environmentally Active Feed) as a kind of "welcome drink" - simply close the drinking valves for the first half hour so that the pig only drinks microorganisms, after which the water can be opened again.