Development description about BiosaHerb The work of microorganisms in the dairy farm "Vibholm" near Ulfborg.
Development description about BiosaHerb The work of microorganisms in the dairy farm "Vibholm" near Ulfborg.
Working with microorganisms in agriculture is like starting to play solitaire - you know the beginning but eagerly await the result - whether the solitaire will work out! yields a profit.
Many new fancy words are appearing on the horizon, Biostimulants and Nitrification Inhibitors, which are presented as "miracle drugs" with various forms of claims such as documentation derived from paid trials.
BiosaHerb Environment & Supplementary Feed, here are the results from more than 20 years of use on individual farms.
Dangerous and disease-causing microorganisms are referred to as Mycotoxins, which must then be combated with Toxin Binders from the "Beautiful Chemical World". The process does not remove the disease-causing elements, but hides them.!
BiosaHerb Active Microorganisms, changed the health of the cowshed.
Daily expenditure per cow 0.80 DKK changed the health of the entire herd and gave greater milk yield.
Working with BiosaHerb Microorganisms in agriculture is not a miracle cure, but improves the health of the soil and builds positive development in the root zone of the plants over time.
The positive BiosaHerb Process begins in the feeding of the herd, through the animals' digestion, there are many positive residues of amino acids in the fresh manure and urine, and undigested residual protein, this valuable substance must not rot as happens in the current manure handling where the manure rots and subsequently produces odor and flies.
Fermentation of the manure begins with BiosaHerb in the animals' daily feed, 160 milliliters / cattle.
"Established science", especially veterinarians, has on several occasions claimed that BiosaHerb Microorganisms cannot pass through the gastrointestinal system without being broken down, a claim that is far from reality, as reality shows that Fertilizer / Manure becomes odorless, and improves plant yield in the field, with fewer plant diseases as a result.
On lighter soil types where sand drift is common, during spring storms, the light soil particles are glued together by the positive fungal species and bacterial strains in BiosaHerb.
Leached iron compounds from the old humus layer below the root zone, referred to as "Tractose", are dissolved so that plant roots can penetrate and retrieve water and minerals from the deeper soil layers, a good regenerative process.
The Regenerative Fermentation Process that occurs through feeding with BiosaHerb minimizes the manure's content of coliform bacteria, which as anaerobic bacteria create the possibility of Salmonella and other infectious diseases flourishing. This is part of the development described on the farm "Vibholm" near Ulfborg.
"Vibholm" near Ulfborg is owned by Gunnar Vad Jørgensen, who has been farming organic dairy cattle for a number of years. The field area is 350 hectares. The soil consists of a layer of topsoil 10-30 cm. thick, underneath it yellow sand with visible ochre leaching, in a sand pit the ochre can be seen lying 10-15 cm apart.
Soil bulkiness numbers are designated from 0-2.
The areas are covered with permanent grass, as there is a risk of sand drift during plowing and tillage.
It is Veterinarian Jørn Erri, "Erri Comfort" who has taken the initiative to use BiosaHerb Microorganisms.
Gunnar Vad Jørgensen, visited a colleague in July 2021 who had 15 years of experience with BiosaHerb Microorganisms, and was inspired to start with the BiosaHerb method.
Disease problems in the stable at "Vibholm" started on August 20, 2021.
- Clostridium Botulinum (Sausage Poisoning) is treated by vaccination by Veterinarian Jørn Erri.
- Salmonella.
- Coccidiosis.
- Paratuberculosis.
- Ringworm.
- Calfskin.
The cowshed has access to stalls and deep bedding.
There is a slatted floor with LJM Ringkanal agitator. And LJM Linespil manure removal.
In the Ring Channel department, there were problems getting the slurry out of the channels, and an extra LJM Channel Agitator was ordered for installation in the middle of the barn in December.
8 days before the planned installation of the channel agitator, all sediment flowed into the slurry tank, resulting in a saving of DKK 100,000 in the cancelled installation.
The LJM channel mixer runs 2 x 15 minutes a day, starting and stopping via clock.
The manure begins to be transformed into bacterial protein, a foam layer forms in the manure channels that captures the volatile ammonia, and composts fly eggs, larvae and pupae. The barn becomes odorless.
As an explanation for why the fresh ammonia from the fertilizer does not evaporate, I refer to
“Irrisch Cofffe” The whipped cream prevents the alcohol from evaporating, the foam layer in the slurry channels does the same with the ammonia.
“Slurry is money and money doesn’t smell”
Feeding: Grazing, grass silage and straw.
The cows are fed sparingly, with 2 kg of concentrates given in the milking parlor + 1.5 kg of complete feed mixtures given as evening feeding. The cows have free access to the pastures.
The concentrate feed mixture is supplied by DLG Ecology: Naturko, 397555 P6.
Composition: Horse beans 55.5%, rapeseed meal 39.60%, peas 4.80%. Calcium carbonate 0.55%
BiosaHerb Microorganisms are given to the cows at 160 millilitres / cow per day. price approx. 0.80 kr / cow
At the beginning of August 20, 2021, the milk yield was 7,800 kg milk/cow.
June 2023 all diseases are gone. No hoof problems.
Calf mortality 0-1% (National average 8.1%)
June 2023, Milk yield is 10,000 kg milk / cow. Fat% 4.20. Protein 3.5. cell count 120-150.
Please note that these are the same animals and the same feeding throughout the entire period.
The animals became free from diseases and gave more milk.
Salmonella was found in the herd:
When the deep bedding department is mowed, 700 round bales are driven into the manure pile on the field.
The deep litter was spread untreated on the field and at the next silage harvest, the salmonella bacteria were carried back through the feed.
Coli bacteria help to multiply salmonella, so it is important that the Deep Litter undergoes an aerobic fermentation process so that salmonella does not occur.
The Salmonella infection was quickly eliminated, and from now on the deep litter will be run through a manure spreader that places the manure in an approximately 2 meter high compost pile that ferments for 40-50 weeks.
The deep litter is supplied with BiosaHerb microorganisms that promote fermentation through the animals' manure and urine.
Legislation requires that manure piles must be covered with plastic (Livestock Ordinance). This is very detrimental to the fermentation process as it promotes anaerobic bacteria (without oxygen) that multiply coliform bacteria, which in turn multiply Salmonella.
The ammonia that is not converted into bacterial protein evaporates when the plastic is removed.
The plastic cover only delays the pollution
Once the aerobic fermentation process (with the addition of oxygen) is complete, there is no longer any risk of infection.
I hope that properties that implement the BiosaHerb Fermentation of deep litter will receive a dispensation from the Danish Agricultural Agency to cover the fermentation bins with chopped straw.
It is important that the fermentation process can be accessed with a little air, in the five different phases of fermentation that last approximately 4-5 weeks each, it is important that these phases are not disturbed by turning the compost.
Until hopefully there is an exemption from plastic covering, I recommend "The Green Compost Foil" which can be purchased in Denmark.
As a study of the Compost-Fermentation method, I can recommend the film "leben Für die Erde-Kompost für die Stadt".
40 years of experience with composting green waste from 350 hectares of Park and Garden Waste composted with livestock manure. The film can be seen on YOUTUBE
The film "The Mole Flight" can be downloaded from the Danish Film Institute, filmed by Lars Brydesen.
Spring 2023:
Gåden Vibholm has converted 100 hectares of old grass to grazing rye with ryegrass.
The soil treatment was spreading Fermented Deep Litter, applying 20 tons of manure, milling to a depth of 10 cm, light plowing to a depth of approximately 15 cm, then sowing Rye and Ryegrass.
There has been a fine germination of the new crop and no sand drift, the explanation is that the yeasts in BiosaHerb Environment bind the soil colloids together and the plants form a wide root network underground, this prevents sand drift. A phenomenon that has been observed by several users of BiosaHerb Environment Microorganisms. Annual cost for BiosaHerb Environment Microorganisms is approx. 275 kr / Hectare.
Milk yield increased during the period by 2,200 kg of milk/cow, and the diseases disappeared.
It takes 4-6 years before the soil's natural fertility is re-established, leached iron compounds are dissolved and the plants have developed a deeper root system. After that, the soil is better able to absorb heavy rainfall and, during periods of drought, can draw water from the deeper layers of the soil.