Development History and the Beginning of a Book by Knud Dencker-Jensen
My background and experiences in the development and use of “Effective Microorganisms” “How to achieve recognition of another world, in dealing with the current form of agriculture” Development history of my inspiration to work with Microorganisms and “Regenerative Agriculture”
It has been a long and educational period of development for me in my development as a farmer, learning to think in new ways, asking questions and seeking answers to the questions?
It began for my development in the area around 1950, there was an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (Virus) on South Funen, the farm next door to my parents' farm was attacked by the virus. This meant that my playmate and I were not allowed to come to school, so we built caves in the forest, it suited us just fine!
This was before there was a law requiring that animals be killed and buried on the property due to Foot and Mouth Disease. "Svendborg Avis" carried an article on the back of the newspaper about a young French student who had chosen to explore the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease in Europe as his exam paper. By studying Church Books, he discovered that there were areas in Europe where outbreaks of the virus had never been described. The question was asked by him in an exam paper, why and he tried to find the answer.
After a train journey to western France, he stayed in a village near the sea, asked the farmers of the area, What do you do to avoid getting Foot and Mouth Disease, the answer was nothing! Fortunately, the student stayed in the village for a while and learned that after a heavy storm at night, the village was empty of people, towards morning the residents came back from the beach where they had shoveled the seaweed "Lithothamium Calcareum" into wheelbarrows, horse carts and tractor carts had collected lime from the sea,
As much lime as possible had to be collected before the sea washed the lime back, there is a height difference of several metres between high tide and low tide. It is generally accepted that the Moon has an influence on High and Low Tides!
The lime was used to sprinkle in the stables as an absorbent for the manure after it had dried in the sun.
The student had his question answered by nature through his ability to see the connections between the minerals of the sea and the diversity of available calcium and mineral trace elements.
That was the explanation why there was no outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease virus in the area!
This is my report from my memory about the Back of "Svendborg Avis". It was before we got television in South Funen so the article was on the back together with Jokes, Crosswords and other entertainment.
Coralline algae lime is mentioned in historical times: Johan Wolfgang Goethe. 1749 -1832. For those interested in history, I can inform you that Coral algae lime is mentioned
“Goethe's Faust”
First performed January 19, 1829, in the song "An die Lerche" here the coral algae lime / Lithothanium Calcareum is mentioned as "Die Graue Kalk, Die Atlantküste" - The Grey Lime from the Atlantic Coast.
Faust is a "Mystery Drama" but what was Goethe's idea of mentioning the lime is thought-provoking. In the years 1981-82, Funen was again hit by Foot and Mouth Disease, Svendborg Avis was now called "Fyns Amts Avis" and carried on the front page Pictures and descriptions of the killing and burial of the killed cattle, funnily enough the newspaper carried the same description of "The French Student" on the back but now together with television and radio programs.
On my farm, I had established a pig production with 1,000 fattening pig places based on purchased piglets.
In my education at Dalum Agricultural School, I had never learned or tried to give injections to sick animals. On my parents' farm, we didn't have any other minor problems with the animals than the vet could handle with a single visit. The vet ended by saying take your temperature tomorrow and call if there is a fever.
Veterinarian Dalby, Hobro, the famous "motorway vet" who was very skilled and helped me with my sick pigs, taught me to autopsy dead animals and send organs to laboratories gave me the start of my current work "Regenerative Agriculture"
Dalby said it's not your ability to care for pigs that's wrong, but you're buying sick pigs for fattening, and that's not sustainable in the long run, and since even the Pig Breeding Office in the Farmers' Association didn't have the skills to help, I stopped producing pigs and followed Veterinarian Dalby's advice, put a backpack on your neck and travel down through the countries where they know something about agriculture, then you will learn much more than you have learned in Denmark.
Well I can't speak German! Dalby's answer was then learn it for H……,
While I was learning German, I was on a study tour in Switzerland with a construction company. The goal was that if I were to start producing pigs again, I would have to run a biogas plant at the same time.
It was the company "Echberg" that paid for the study trip to "Pengelandet" November 1977, we were away from Denmark for 104 hours. It was "Echberg" that had delivered the equipment and built my barn extension to 1,000 pens for fattening pigs, and was to deliver the next construction for a sow barn, so that I could produce the pigs myself.
We visited 8 manufacturers with up to 25 years of experience in producing "Odorless Manure" and 16 farms that used the methods.
A manufacturer said that when I was a farmer we should visit a farm at Romannshorn. "Oswaldhof in Klärsreüti", It was the first time I was on a "Biodynamic Farm" I asked about their field plan and there was "Winter Barley" I was told that winter barley was forbidden to grow in Denmark, because of fungi,
The farmer "Hans Oswald" explained to me that the mushrooms came because in Denmark we used "Fake Fertilizer"?? It was hard to hear for a newly graduated farmer from Dalum Agricultural School,
Fake Fertilizer ???? There were many unanswered questions, when we finished the first bad hay in Denmark, I drove with my wife and our two girls directly to Osvaldhof to ask questions.
This is where I first heard about the "Biodynamic Farming Method". The visit took 5 hours so our girls were getting impatient. I myself had a HUGE shock! in what agriculture was, I had the feeling that I should forget everything I had learned in Denmark as soon as possible.
An example was my perception of Minerals for livestock was that we got them in a bag.
On Oswldhof's field road from the farm and out to the fields, there were hedges with very different vegetation. We were taught about the mineral content of the different trees. When the cows walked on the field road out to the pastures, they were free to choose the minerals from the different trees.
When we got back to the farm, 28-30 degree warm thundery air, high humidity, I noticed that there was no smell, and no flies in the Mødding / Compost Bunker and Cowshed and no chemical control was used.
The solid manure from the cowshed, calf pens, pig barns and chicken coops was set up in compost piles on a Berton site, with drains to the slurry tank, the collection of liquid extract containing "Humic acid" was automatically sprinkled over the compost piles, daily.
Just outside the farm, was a permanent grassland, this field was last ploughed in the year 1600, there were more than 100 different plants on the area of the field, the field was called "Apotekermarken" Special Hay was harvested here when the plants were in bloom, each cow was given 1 kg of Apoteker Hay daily in the winter feeding.
In Switzerland, a cow can only be described as a cow when it has given birth to 6 live calves in 7-8 years, this was the criterion for presenting a cow at the Animal Show, everything else is considered young cattle!
In the same years, the number of calves born per yearling cow – Cow life in Germany was 2.5, which is too few to maintain the cattle population.
At the “Oswaldhof” they worked with “Constellation Research” under the supervision of the University of Zurich. The cattle farm at the Oswaldhof had been founded and described since the year 1600, the cows’ birth dates were entered in the records, with a description of the time of birth in connection with the phases of the moon.
This work led to the possibility of planning the birth of bulls or heifer calves with 80% accuracy. Five years after my first visit to Oswaldhof, I returned from my "Backpacking Trip" due to a snowstorm, I could not get out of there for two days, I was sitting in "Den Fine Stue" with my grandmother, I started the conversation by asking if anyone from Oswaldhof had visited Denmark?
I received a satisfactory answer: I was with my husband and the “Central Board at the Goetheanum” on the very painful journey to Denmark to terminate the Cooperation Agreement with the “Royal Danish Landhusholdingsselskab” at the Gyldensten Estate, on North Funen.
The Danes hated / did not want to follow the experimental planning from the Goetheanum. The agricultural company set up 10 experiments in three replications out in an open field with 6x6 m2 plots. The Goetheanum's model was to involve the entire landscape with insects, birdlife and other micro-life.
Here in Denmark, many years later, the ideas of border plants around the fields, with flowering plants to save the Micro and Insect life in nature. – Better late than never!
The collaboration with the Royal Danish Agricultural Society was established after Dr. Rudolf Steiner's famous Agricultural Course, held at the "Kobberwitze Estate" in 1924. 16,000 acres of land, with the participation of 100 farmers, who were inspired to see a new development of Agriculture through the development of the use of "Biodynamic Preparations" the precursor to BiosaHerb Microorganisms.
The agricultural lectures were stenographed and published with 1 copy for each participant. Rudolf Steiner suggested that his ideas that he developed during the course should be tested by each participant on his agriculture, and the agricultural group should meet once a year and exchange experiences about the application of the methods.
The booklets given to the participants were tried to be bought by the “chemical industry” with offers of many D-marks per booklet, no farmers sold their booklets. I have seen the old booklet during a visit to a Biodynamic Farm in “Hohen Schwartzwald”, and heard about the chemical industry’s initiative. Rudolf Steiner died just after the “Agricultural Course” and the methods only became freely available in 1958.
I discovered on my backpacking trips that the Biodynamic farms I visited had the highest yields in the field and barn, about 10% more than the other farmers in the Local Farmers' Association in the village. I discovered that I had learned nothing about Agriculture in my Agricultural education in Denmark.
I have subsequently visited Oswaldhof several times in connection with my work with microorganisms, when I was on customer and dealer visits, I have given many lectures in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Ukraine. I learned German in 30 days and had started to follow the lectures at the “Natural Science Section” at the “Goetheanum” Dornach, Switzerland.
At the same time as my studies Dr. Nebiker, ETH, Sissach Schweits. Dr. Nebiker, developed the ammonium acid table in my information “Designergülle” Dr. Nebiker was a scientist, farmer with 12 SPF pig sows that were fed with bacterial protein extracted from pig manure, in addition he was the owner of a feed company, and an audit office, was an advisor to the feed factory customers, this is where part of the foundation for LJM BioReco begins.
I was lucky enough to visit Dr. Nebiker 5 years in a row in connection with my studies at the Goetheanum, Nebiker died 1 month after my last visit. Nebiker gave me homework assignments in each visit that I had to work on until we met again next year.
I studied at the Goetheanum for 12 years and was a representative for Denmark for 8 years. The last five years I was affiliated with the medical department.
I asked for guidance on treating my sick pigs, the Goetheanum sent me to the University of "Witten Herdecke". It was a very educational period that brought me to "Bioeletriche Medicin und Gerratebau" in Hamburg. Here I learned a lot about air ionization of both sick people and livestock stables. I sold many human medical systems in Denmark, but the consumption of oxygen for treatment was too expensive, so that department closed.
Through a visit to "Dr. Scaette" Pharmacy in Schwartswald, I gained insight into the use of Homeopathic medicine for both animals and humans. The Agricultural University in Copenhagen called it superstition, but I had many problems getting my customers' cows to reject it as superstition. I had a large sale of the Homeopathic Remedies in Denmark, especially to Veterinarian Dalby.
A special homeopathic remedy for cattle, Coffea Thymus Præpparata, cleared up a mastitis for about 10 kroner. The remedy was suggested by Rudolf Steiner for the treatment of Foot and Mouth Disease in cattle.
Before I started selling Homeopathy in Denmark, I asked the Danish Health Authority and Veterinary Authority whether permission was needed to market the products. The answer was no, as Homeopathy was pure superstition, and if I wanted to invest in this, good luck, they laughed at me!
After 5 years, a letter came from the board that if I continued with the sale I would have to set up a Pharmacy according to the Pharmacy Act, I asked by phone! Why?? the answer was that Homeopathy works! I sold the remaining stock to my customers and stopped with Homeopathy, the authorities had become wiser!
We may need this in other agricultural contexts!
Many forward-thinking Veterinarians in Europe treat livestock with Homeopathy! The Goetheanum brought me into contact with a company in Brittany that harvested the lime from the sea. The connection led to me, together with the health food company "Dansk Helios", founding the company "Helios Koralalgekalk Aps" which imported the coral algae lime to Danish Agriculture. We subsequently produced "Helios Mineral Feed *" for livestock.
We were laughed at a lot in "Consultant circles" because we sold lime for 4 kr. per kilo and mineral feed for 6 kr. per kilo, at that time lime cost 30-40 øre and mineral feed at most 2-3 kr. per kilo. But the livestock were more enthusiastic than the consultants so it turned out to be approx. 200 tons of lime and 50 tons of mineral feed per year, it was Consultant Bent Nielsen, Ølgod Landboforening who has the honor of the large distribution in the local area.
Observations from areas that have collected seaweed from the sea for centuries and used it to cover beetroot were that a seaweed-covered beetroot was insulating, as the moisture in the seaweed plants froze to ice and protected the beets. When the frost disappeared, it was easier to remove the seaweed than the straw and soil that was used in other areas to cover beets and potatoes for the winter.
On South Funen, the seaweed plants, in a similar way as in Brittany, France, came from the beetroot to the manure and from there out into the field together with the fertilizer, minerals and trace elements from the sea, which became available to the plants.
Since my farm, Slægtsgården “Stågerup Kildegård”, is located north of the Svendborg – Fåborg Road, and there are 5-6 km to the beach, seaweed was never brought here.
As a young man I worked on the farm "Torstofte" in Ulbølle Langemark, I was told that many farms have "Tangret", I have tried to be woken up by the farm owner at 3 am with a message to drive to the beach to pick up seaweed, if you get there before the neighbor we will get the best seaweed, you can then sleep a little longer for dinner!
So out of bed down to the "Nuffild Tractor", hitch up the trailer and then out to sea and load seaweed.
The strange thing was that all the farms that were south of the country road were the wealthiest! Why! “Gold from the Sea”
Farmers north of the road were not nearly as wealthy.!?
This positive story about the Rich Farmers, south of the road was stopped because when the "Roekule Plastic" was invented, people were freed from the hard work of collecting seaweed on the beach. The result today is that now farmers are equally poor both north and south of the road.
The experiences of using plant minerals originating in the sea can be found in a similar way in the plant world on land, it is only a matter of seeking knowledge about this,
In the development of Regenerative Agriculture, these methods are used together with BiosaHerb Active Microorganisms, with the BioReco Oxygen Generator "Hø-The" can be produced.
Bacillus Suptilis which acts as a plant stimulant and fungus preventative,
"Humic acid" can be collected from compost and manure piles, which is the fly-free liquid that seeps out of the compost. The price of Humic acid is approximately 80 DKK / litre.
BiosaHerb Environment recreates the Actinomycetes fungus, which can collect 30-40 kg of Nitrogen / Hectare. The fungus has been sprayed away with fungicides for many years.
Due to the fear of weed problems, methods have been developed to solve this problem, farmers must learn and understand the processes. This is where the task lies, but once you are on the "Track", you don't stop!:
The “Regenerative Agriculture Method” meets with some resistance from the Capital Interests that profit from “Helping Agriculture”.
My Study in Japan and Okinawa .
The course in Japan and Okinawa came about after I was in Northern Thailand, in the city of Nang Rong, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had become aware of my work with BioReco, the organization DANCED under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was responsible for a development project involving a Production College, where factories of various types were built, the goal was to remove young people from the prostitution environment in Bangkok,
A hotel with 65 rooms was built where toilet waste and bath water were discharged directly into a lake without a treatment plant.
The lake was named "Crown Prince Frederik's Lake" in NangRong. After the Danish Crown Prince inaugurated the lake, he swam the 300 meters through the lake. This was before I installed BioReco.
On this trip I met Prof. Teuro Higa, from the University of Okinawa, Higa's secretary on the trip was Dr. Aya Okuda, Specialist in the use of "Effective Microorganisms".
1 month later, my colleague and I received an invitation to attend a 2-week course in Japan. We had to pay for our own airfares, but were then guests of the "EM-Research Organisation".
We applied to the Ministry for 350,000 for the Microorganisms Project, which included plane tickets and being able to invite Prof. Higa to Denmark to meet with the Danish Agricultural University, Foulum and Rigshospitalet.
The KVL- Agricultural University had appointed a PhD Student in Bacteriology to participate in the trip to Japan. We were granted the amount and were ready to leave, but the day before departure the Ministry withdrew the commitment of the amount when an Associate Professor at the KVL- Agricultural University announced that Microorganisms had no interest in Danish Agriculture.
We had a profit on the trip to Northern Thailand of 40,000 DKK. They were used for 3 plane tickets.
A month after the visit to Japan, Prof. Higa sent Dr. Aya Okuda to Denmark, where I, together with Aya, introduced the method to several countries in the EU. And Ukraine.
IFOAM, the International Organic Organization, held a conference at Holmen in Copenhagen, where I exhibited, together with Aya, examples from Denmark of the results we had achieved in the short time we had worked with the microorganisms.
Prof. Higa had invited about 60 Japanese scientists to visit our exhibition and subsequent dinner in the Japanese Restaurant, my sidekick, a young researcher, I asked who had originally "Invented Effective Microorganisms" whether it was Higa, or a famous Japanese farming family who became known for, in 1926, having developed the use of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Japanese Agriculture.
During dinner I got an answer from the Japanese that there was a man in Europe who was the “Inventor of the Method” but he had died many years ago, I asked to be informed of the man’s name if possible? The answer only came when we had reached the “Dessert”, Dr. Rudol Steiner. 1924.
Then I was on the "home track" but first had to go to Japan and Okinawa.
My background is partially described here, there are many experiences and practical lessons that I will describe in the form of keywords below, stories from farmers and traders in the countries I have worked in.
Using the Regenerative method is not a single action but a chain effect, an action passed on to the next process. When the animals' feed contains BiosaHerb, the manure becomes odorless, and the plants form deeper root systems, which is the basis for a higher harvest yield, plant diseases such as rust, fungi and snail attacks are minimized and eventually not a problem, it takes some time to start the process from Oxidative cultivation to Reductive cultivation.
What are BiosaHerb Active Microorganisms!
BIosaHerb Environment, Supplementary feed is made from Lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and medicinal plants. The products are approved in the EU as Ensilage and Composting Agent, Supplementary feed and Dietary Supplement.
The method is to multiply BiosaHerb Stock Culture 3% with 3% molasses and 94% water. The mixture must ferment for 5 + 2 days at 30 degrees Celsius. The last 2 days the container is closed airtight. See description here: BiosaHerb™ Environment Activation
For dairy cows, 160 millilitres / cow per day is given in the feed. Pigs, chickens, geese and ducks are mixed with 2 litres of enriched Biosa / Tons feed.
BioReco 300 & 800, Manufactured by LJM Maskinfabrik in Højmark. The BioReco system is a further development of Forester Wiktor Schauberger's nature observations of "Water
"Carrying forces"
BioReco forms small water molecules that can absorb atmospheric oxygen.
The BioReco Process changes the structure of water from H2o to H3o
According to Prof. Pollack USA who has described the transformation of water when treated with “Hurricane Vortices.
In tests in corn fields, ordinary tap water was sprayed in one spray track, in the next track "BioReco water" was sprayed. After two hours, a higher sugar content in the corn leaves could be measured with a refractometer.
BioReco 300 & 800 are used to restore biological balance in lakes and streams,
Gudme Sø on South Funen has been restored from being full of stinking sludge to a good fishing lake. BioReco 800 has been working in the lake for 21 years without repairs.
In agriculture, BioReco 300 & 800 are used to increase the manure's content of Essential Amino Acids, which increases the manure's fertilizer value and makes it odorless - "Manure is money because money doesn't smell"
In Regenerative Agriculture, BioReco is used to produce Hay-The / Bacillus Suptilis which stimulates plant growth by restoring the Earth's Natural Fertility.
For the production of Compost-The that builds up the Humic Acid content in the soil, BioReco is valuable in the process.
This is followed by a description of the application method and results of the method application, which have arisen in collaboration with our customers.
In my "Background" I wrote about the Foot and Mouth Disease Virus, in connection with minerals from seawater, and the phenomenon of Virus-Free Areas where the sea minerals had been used for generations.
I learned at the course in Japan that “Effective Microorganisms” could eliminate Viruses and Nematodes. This theme is described together with other results from the work on the spread of Microorganisms in Agriculture.
- Highly prized Jersey cow on Lolland had expelled the uterus during calving, the veterinarian put the uterus back in place and provided the cow with penicillin inserted into the udder. 2 days later the cow had a very high fever, would only drink a little water, I suggested to the farmer to offer the cow 5 litres of amplified Biosa in a bucket, the cow drank 2 x 5 litres, then the fever subsided and the cow survived.
This experience has been carried forward in several other contexts, in cattle herds with "Paratuberculosis" "Coccidiosis" B-Streptococci, it has been observed that only animals with problems drink BiosaHerb of their own free will.
In a row of tied cows in the barn, there was 1 young cow with Pararuberculosis. It drank 2 x 5 litres. The other cows in the row would neither smell nor drink from the bucket with microorganisms.
In stables with Paratuberculosis and Salmonella and Ringworm, I recommend "Fog Spraying" the entire stable with 3 litres of amplified BiosaHerb Environment per 1000 m2 stable, 3 times a week, the goal is to surface compost all straw, dust, feed and manure residues as this is where the animals become infected. See description here: Air ionization in stables with BiosaHerb Environment and here: BiosaHerb™ Environment Instructions for Use
“The Cow in France”
I was invited to give a lecture on Microorganisms in a town south of Strasbourg in France.
The lecture was held at the city's City Hall with approximately 100 participants on Friday evening.
I met my German-French interpreter at a restaurant where we went over my slide presentation.
The interpreter had a friend who was having problems with a cow and wanted me to take her to her friend.
We arrived at the farm that had a farm dairy that processed the milk from 5 cows and 30 dairy sheep.
The problem was a cow that had a dead calf amputated in the uterus on Monday.
The cow was paralyzed in the hindquarters and could not get up. The cow was lying in a large pile of fresh grass in the feedlot.
I picked up 1 litre of BiosaHerb™ Environment in my car and asked the ladies to pour it into the cow. In the meantime, I walked around the barn and found a bag of “Coralline Algae Lime” that contained a litre measure, so I took half a liter of lime and put it by the sick cow’s mouth. She ate most of it in a short time. The owner was very frightened because the lime could only be used to sprinkle on the manure.
My answer was dear madam, "If it's the Cow's last meal" before it dies, I think we should forget about the Legislation.
The cow's owner was sitting in the front row at the lecture, I gave her a litre of BiosaHerb™ Environment for the sick cow to have when she got home.
I had to go to another lecture in Germany on Saturday, so I left at 6 a.m. Saturday morning. At 7 a.m. the interpreter called and said that when my friend came to the barn on Saturday morning, the cow was walking around the feed aisle, having been lambing from Monday to Friday.
My explanation is that the cow's "Bioelectrical System" that controls nerve pathways through Bioelectrical communication was broken by the rough treatment during the veterinarian's dissection of the fetus on Monday.
My explanation for the cow's recovery is that I will refer to a Battery for Cars and Tractors. When the battery needed to be replaced, the mechanic took a new battery box, poured water and acid into the battery, and charged the battery with electricity, the engine could start again.
Same image transferred to the sick cow. BiosaHerb™ Environment The microorganisms contain acid pH 3.5 Coral algae lime contains many minerals and metals from the “Periodic System” I see the heart's pumping function as the “Charging device” I think the image from the Car Battery can explain that the cow got well.
“Gut Dambeck KG” at Arendsee in East Germany. 600 SDM Dairy cows. 8000 kg milk/cow
The fields around Gut Dambeck are very sandy and crop failures were common. In this area of land, no rain fell from May to November, the ears of corn dried up and fell off. It was not every year that the combine came out of the engine room.
The phenomenon of no rain was due to "A Foen wind" that came from Russia into Poland and on this stretch there were no mountains or highlands that could create turbulence in the clouds so that precipitation could form.
The management of the former state farm had visited "Agromek" in Jutland to look at a new calf barn, as they wanted a more insulated barn than the current concrete building that is characteristic of the Russian State Farms.
The area was very poor, I noticed that when I arrived in the evening on my way to the hotel, there were no lights in the houses in the villages I drove through, only the street lights were on, my question at the hotel about the observation was answered with Poverty, the residents had no money for electricity.
After the Fall of the Wall, Gut Dambeck was taken over by 24 families who had been involved in agriculture for years.
My first meeting at the Operations Office was quite cold, minus 2 degrees. The Director offered me a “Glass of Vodka.” You could feel it all the way down to your toes, as we inspected the Calf Barn in the old Russian LPG Buildings.
My opinion was that the barn was good enough, but give the little calves 50 ml of BiosaHerb™ Environment in their milk. The two times you give milk a day, when the calf can drink milk from the bowl itself, you give a small handful of ordinary roughage that you give to the dairy cows. Then the calf's stomach quickly learns to digest roughage and you can save the expensive calf concentrate feed, which was not bought in a new calf barn in Denmark.
Two years later, milk yield had increased from 8 - 10,000 kg of milk with the same feeding of the cows.
After 5 years, I was invited to come to Gut Dambeck and give a lecture to 20 large-scale farms.
The connection to the Estate was established via livestock consultant Ernst Schützel, Arendse.
During the Russian period, he was the supervisor of state large-scale agriculture.
I asked about the invitation and the response was very enthusiastic, Gut Dambeck has harvested 6,500 kg of winter barley per hectare this year and the neighbors have not had the combine harvester out of the garage.
The positive effect on the harvest yield came from the 100 milliliters of BiosaHerb™ Environment that were given per cow in the roughage per day.
During the lecture, I was asked how long it takes before the effects of the application of BiosaHerb™ Environment are seen. My standard answer is 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months, but we must ask the question to the person responsible for the stable here at Gut Dambeck?
The cattle farm manager was a veterinarian and in his response he addressed my explanation at our first meeting, the answer was, the first month nothing happened, but then it progressed to our current milk yield, we have high udder health, no mastitis and no mastitis. We have three cows with "teat wire".
Hof, Ferdinand Kayser , Weidmühlen Strasse 15. 52359 Düren-Echt.
In the years 2000 – 2002, 2000 suckling pigs died of PMVS and PRRS, so the population was reduced from 250 to 90. All died of the disease, the loss during the disease period was 1.5 million D-Mark = 5,790.00 .
All breeding animals were purchased from a breeding center with 50,000 sows that was a customer of Veterinarian Dalby.
I got the feed company "Buir-Bliesheimer, Agrargenossenschaft" to add 2% BiosaHerb™ Environment to all pig feed.
The remaining sows were fed with " BiosaHerb™ Environmental Pig Feed" throughout the gestation period. Of the born piglets, 90 sow gilts were selected for breeding. They were without symptoms of the diseases and became the basis for the new sow herd. All purchases of foreign breeding animals stopped.
The farm had climate stables in the Dangerous Department, with approximately 24 degrees of heat, many flies and a strong ammonia smell.
Five months later there were no more sick animals, and there had been no veterinarian in the stable during this period. On subsequent visits I walked in the Climate Stable with Ferdinand for about an hour, wearing a woolen Scottish Forester's jacket from the chainsaw company "Jonsered".
After the visit to Ferdinand, I had to find a hotel to stay overnight, it was a "Rhein Hotel" nearby, I took the liberty of asking the lady at the reception what the strange smell was that my shirt had, the lady's conclusion was that it smelled of washing powder, so I went to the restaurant in my "stable clothes" that smelled of washing powder, after having walked in Ferdinand's climate stable for over an hour.
“Manure is money and money doesn’t smell”
Two years after introducing 2% BiosaHerb™ Environment into the pig feed, the pigs were free of disease, and when I visited, there had not been a veterinarian in the barn for 5 months, and there was neither coughing nor shortness of breath in sows or piglets.
In Ferdinand Kayser's field farm, only manure from the pig barn was used, there were high yields in Barley & Wheat, no fungi in the crops and no chemical fungicides or weed control were used.
Sugar beets were grown for the factory, but due to a boron deficiency, the sugar beets rotted in the field, and 66% of the beets were discarded in one field. When the beets were delivered to the sugar factory, when the beets returned to the same field a few years later, 0% were discarded.
The microorganisms from the feed and fertilizer had changed the microbiological content of the field, which was previously sprayed with Boron as a treatment against root rot, but there was no effect of the chemical agent.
I have Powerpoint with Danish, German and English text from the development at Ferdinand Kayser.
Swine fever on a farm south of Bittburg near the Luxembourg border.
The farmer had been to "Agromek in Herning" and bought a new barn project and associated breeding sows to start a new disease-free pig production.
There was an outbreak of swine fever in the village. I was in Germany and drove to the village as quickly as possible. I had agreed via mobile phone with the farmer that he should prepare high-pressure washers for the new stables to spray all external walls and roof surfaces and the interior with BiosaHerb™ Environmental Microorganisms, especially the entire ventilation system and wall valves.
My car was washed in the car wash 3 times the same day I drove from "Bittburg"
The result was that the farm was the only one not affected by swine fever.
The farmer subsequently became a distributor of BiosaHerb™ Environment in the area. During my subsequent visit, I met some of the farms that had been affected by swine fever, and gave lectures to agricultural students at the local Agricultural School.
"Salseim Biohof" Südtirol, northern Italy.
To be continued!
Knud Dencker-Jensen did not get any further in his story before he left this world.