Potato Information

BiosaHerb Environment. Potato Information, 2023.

Contribution to the understanding of Regenerative Agriculture, especially about Potatoes.

"The Danish Potato Disaster" - or is it the lack of intelligence that is the problem?? The problem is widely discussed in the agricultural media about "Good chemical products" being banned.

Cause and Effect:

Do we have a Potato Crisis, or is it only the “Stricken Farmers” who have problems??? “When Good Chemical Sprays” are banned. There are potato growers who do not have these problems because they have learned from a 100-year-old method that the chemical industry has tried to slow down for many years!

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's Chemicals Office approves all pesticides as long as there is "Scientific Documentation" from the same institution that manufactures them, with supplementary studies, where payment is made for the desired result! so a number of years later, it must be acknowledged that their approval must be revoked as inappropriate incidents have been observed as a result of the previous approvals. But at the same time it can be stated that there are new products on the way that according to "Company Documentation" will be approved. This system has been a never-ending screw for many years. "The concept of Ebberød Bank" cannot cover up the continuous follies.

If there is a chemical residue of the previously approved product, but now banned, in a farmer's warehouse, it will result in a large fine!

Why aren't the guilty punished??????

The problem is that farmers are not allowed to think for themselves, but are subject to a system controlled by the interest organization Seges, Agriculture and Food.

The question is, whose interest has priority? Farmers or the Chemical Industry? And why are they banned? The answer has been because product residues have been measured in the groundwater, and are therefore not degradable in the soil, as the chemical approval from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's Chemicals Office has based the approvals on.

If this negative spiral in potato cultivation is to be changed, it is important to look at the consistency of the soil's topsoil and underlying mineral substances.

The soil layer has been approved by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's Chemicals Office as a medium that can eliminate and break down chemical residues so that they do not reach the groundwater. It is this "belief" that has been religiously presented to farmers and politicians for several years!

The topsoil must simultaneously act as a decomposer of chemical spray residues and at the same time be the medium that will provide the basis for the nutrition for the next generation of healthy food! In summary, the question is, should food production be grown on “A chemical landfill”.

Lack of understanding and insight into the processes are the fungi that attack the potatoes.

In the natural cycle, they have their natural function underground in transforming old root remains and plant material into substances that, together with the soil's natural microlife, are processed and included in the construction of new humus substances that release energy to the plants, which is absorbed through the plants' ultra-short root hairs, if the plants have had the strength to form them.

When this natural process is disrupted by a lack of fermenting organic material underground, the activity of the good fungi, underground, moves up into the crop, and here they become pests.

It is this vicious circle that can be changed with the help of “BiosaHerb Environment” Active Microorganisms. Belongs to the group “Biostimulants” A new nice name for a 100 year old method: “It should be nice”

But first, the form of fertilizer used in potato cultivation must be observed.

The use of artificial fertilizers according to analysis needs is OK. The dangerous thing is the use of rotten manure, and rotten biogas sludge and sewage sludge, which add many putrefactive bacteria that change the conditions in the soil, between anaerobic (without oxygen) and aerobic bacteria (with oxygen). It is in this area that the harmful fungi arise and attack potatoes and other plants with scab and fungi.

Solution: Potatoes are considered a High Value Crop!

Areas for potato cultivation are sprayed in the fall, September - October, with 200-500 litres of BiosaHerb Environment / hectare, this helps to build the natural fertility of the soil.

All manure is added with 2 litres of BiosaHerb Environment / m3 of manure before application unless Biosaherb Environment is integrated into the property's fertilizer and manure production.

The function of the microorganisms is to change the anaerobic slurry so that the volatile ammonia substance is transformed into bacterial protein, which is bound in the dry matter of the slurry, the slurry becomes odorless and the nutrients become available to plants and contribute to building the natural fertility of the soil.

BiosaHerb Environment Microorganisms. "Gods Food for the Earth" and as a German journalist put it, 20 years ago "Gotter Speise für Die Erde" hereby tells that foreign farmers discovered the method many years ago.

Method proposal:

The farmer must assess how hard his potato production will be hit when chemical agents can no longer be used ???? This is to assess the amount of BiosaHerb as a "Pioneer effort".

Many years ago I helped an English farmer who was badly affected by potato mold and scab. The year before using the Microorganisms, mold and scab destroyed the entire production.

500 litres of propagated BiosaHerb/hectare were sprayed in September - October.

When planting the potatoes, the tubers were sprayed with 30 litres/hectare using the spray system on the potato planter.

When the potatoes were 10 centimeters above the ground, 30 liters of BiosaHerb / hectare were sprayed with a powerful air-assisted field sprayer so that the potatoes were sprayed on the underside of the leaves.

The result was very satisfactory, twice a month 15 -20 litres were sprayed in 200 litres of water / hectare. When the soil comes into natural balance, the natural fertility of the soil is restored, there is no need for the high dose of BiosaHerb described here.

On a larger horticultural farm in Southern Italy, with several potato fields, there were no Colorado beetles in the Biosa Treated plots, the assessment from the management was that the potato plants did not have any kind of disease and therefore were not attacked by Colorado beetles. There was a two meter distance between the Colorado beetle potato rows and the BiosaHerb Potatoes.

With the new spraying techniques with air atomization, 40-50 litres of BiosaHerb Environment can be sprayed / hectare.

BiosaHerb Environment is purchased as a stock culture and propagated with sugar beet molasses.

1 litre of stock culture + 1 litre of sugar cane molasses is propagated in 30-35 litres of water, at 30 degrees Celsius for five days, in a partially open container, then the container is closed airtight and fermented for two days.

For large areas, a pallet tank with a milk heater can be used as a heat source. The mixture consists of 3% BiosaHerb and 3% Sugarcane Molasses and 94% water.

For beginners, I would recommend starting with a smaller area to assess the condition of the soil and the effect on the plants with different amounts of the Pioneer effort.

This information may seem provocative, but the results are from Reality!