BiosaHerb™ Environmental Starter Culture is supplied by us as a concentrated starter culture that is in a "dormant" state. Before use, the starter culture is mixed with water, molasses, seaweed flour and sea salt, after which activation occurs, where the amount of microorganisms multiplies. To ensure proper development of the different types of organisms, activation can only be done once. That is, a new starter culture must be used each time.

Activation of BiosaHerb™ Environment Starter culture Microorganisms
Mix 3% Cane Sugar in 3% 60 degree hot water to dissolve the molasses.

When the temperature of the molasses water is below 34 degrees, add 3% BiosaHerb™ Environmental Starter Culture and add to the propagation container filled with 91% 30 degree warm water.

When the pH is lower than 4, add sea salt, seaweed flour and possibly herbs. Stir the sea salt into the water before adding the activation.

The culture is in an open container with a plastic cover over the liquid surface to minimize CO2 from evaporating during the propagation process.

After 5 days, remove the heat source, plastic and stir gently . Remove any foam layer and added herbs. Close the container as tightly as possible and let it ferment for 2 days and is ready to use.

30 degrees of heat in the propagation process can be achieved by the propagation process taking place in a warm room that is kept at 30 -34 degrees or by using a milk heater, aquarium water heater or using a used milk cooling tank that can be connected to the property's heating supply and maintain the temperature via the thermostat. If you do not use a heating element, the container must be kept warm (20-35°C), but not in direct sunlight. At temperatures below 30°C, the process may take a little longer.

Anaerobic activation process
The activation should ideally take place without too much access to oxygen. A piece of plastic on the liquid surface will be suitable to provide good conditions. During the process, CO2 is formed, which can be seen as bubbles on the surface. This CO2 will create excess pressure if the activation takes place in an airtight container. Therefore, any lid should be removed until the process is completed after a total of 8-10 days. If you have access to a pH meter, you can follow the formation of lactic acid. The process is completed at a pH value of approx. 3.5.

Storage and shelf life
If the activation has taken place under good hygienic conditions, the product has a good shelf life. If stored in clean, filled jars at a constant temperature and protected from light, it can be stored for up to six months.

Use of herbs
When activating BiosaHerb™ Environmental Starter Culture, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the product by adding local herbs during the process. The herbs are finely chopped and can optionally be filled into a large and loose fabric bag, which will be easy to remove after propagation.

Depending on the intended use, you can freely choose between herbs/weeds that are known to be effective (see various herbal books).

Examples include:
Nettle, dandelion, horsetail, mint species, birch leaves, seaweed, tagetes, burdock and clover. It is recommended to use several types of plants together. This results in a great diversity of bioactive substances and greater stimulation to promote the growth of microorganisms.

Do you have questions or need help with activation?

Call or write to us at the phone number or email below.