BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health
BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health

More and more horse owners are seeing the value of supplementing their horses with BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health (from BioFedora™). The pH level is as low as 3.5, giving BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health a fresh, slightly acidic aroma and taste. BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health stimulates appetite, digestion and provides the horse with a good and stable intestinal flora.
For both humans and animals, many diseases and health problems are caused by poor and/or unstable intestinal flora. Horses need a well-functioning colon to utilize all the nutrients in the feed and to maintain good and stable immune function. A wide range of problems such as; constipation, diarrhea and colic can be prevented by providing the intestine with the "right" microflora.
BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health as a feed supplement
BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health can be used in several contexts. For example:
During feed change
Loss of appetite
Low energy level
Benefits of using BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health supplement
To maintain a stable intestinal flora, it is recommended to include BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health as part of the horse's daily nutritional supplement routine.
BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health adds intestinal microorganisms that should naturally be in the feed and are essential for good intestinal function. This provides;
• stable pH in the colon
• improved absorption of nutrients
• strengthened immune system
• 1-2 dl per day for adult horses, added to water or feed. Reduce (1 dl) dose for younger animals.
• Sports horses undergoing strenuous exercise should receive 6 dl of oat diet daily, divided between morning and evening.
• In case of acute problems, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage slightly. If you are in doubt, please contact us for further information.
If the horse suffers from colic, it usually stops drinking water. Adding BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health to the drinking water will make it taste better, which we have seen increases the horse's desire to drink more.
Treating wounds with BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health
Chronic infections, eczema, wounds and mildew can occur. By washing the affected area with a BiosaHerb™ Maximum Health solution, the lactic acid bacteria will eliminate the cause of the problem, not just treat the symptoms and promote overall wound healing. Dosage: mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1