BioFedora™ Spa Bath

Biofedora Spa has a cleansing and at the same time vitalizing effect. It is perfect for discomfort in the form of muscle or joint pain, but can also be recommended for skin problems and stress.

  • 250 ml Apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon Norwegian Seaweed Flour
  • 1 teaspoon Coralline Algae Lime from Helios

  • 100 ml BIOFEDORA™ Human
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt.

Mix the apple cider vinegar with seaweed flour and coralline algae lime and stir. The mixture should then steep for 24 hours.

Fill the bathtub with warm water. Pour the apple cider vinegar mixture into the bath water along with 100 ml. BIOFEDORA™ Human and 1 tablespoon of sea salt.

Stay in the bath for about 1 hour. The water should be as hot as possible, top up with hot water if necessary.